Posts Tagged ‘flag’

Israeli Palestinian Land for peace process – Editorial Maze Cartoon – By Yonatan Frimer

April 6, 2010

Editorial Maze Cartoon – Israel/Palestinian Land 4 Peace
editorial maze cartoon of palestinian and israel conflict   land 4  peace
Maze Cartoon created by Yonatan Frimer and RSL
Click here to view this Editorial Maze in Larger and Printable Format
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Political Maze Cartoon of Palestinians throwing rocks over the fence and yelling “stop taking our land” while the Israeli Soldiers are on the other side of the separation barrier yelling “Then stop throwing it at us”

Want more mazes like this one, visit our websites:
Team Of Monkeys Editorial Maze Cartoons (Political Mazes)
Maze Art on Ink Blot Mazes
Buy these mazes as maze art on Fine Art America

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