Posts Tagged ‘funny’

Car Jacking Maze Ad by Yonatan Frimer

March 6, 2011

Car Jacking Maze LoJack Ad

car jacking maze
Car Jacking Maze   |    Advertisement for LoJack    |      Maze Ads     |        Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a Car Jacking as an advertisment for LoJack. The image was created using high contrast style that is very memorable. If you find yourself thinking about this ad in the next 3 days, then I think it worked.

These ads where created for sample purpose only and have not been used in any actual campaign by LoJack and do no represent their brand.

Top Ten Place to Download Car Jacking Maze

  1. Picassa Web Car Jacking Maze
  2. Car Jacking Maze on Devian Art
  3. Maze of Car Jacking on Fine Art America
  4. Maze Of Car Jacking on Flickr
  5. Car Jacking Maze on Facebook
  6. Maze of the Car Jacking on TwitPic
  7. Maze of Car Jacking Online
  8. Maze of Car Jacking on Photobucket
  9. Car Jacking Maze on Saatchi Online
  10. Car Jacking Maze on Live Journal
And you Car Jacking Maze at the Source on Team Of Monkeys . COM

Maze cartoon of the Flotilla Ordeal being milked by Iran’s and Turkey’s hand by Yonatan Frimer

June 20, 2010

Milking the flotilla ordeal for all it’s worth;
Maze Cartoon by Yonatan Frimer

maze cartoon of flotilla cow being milked by iran and turkey
Cartoon maze of a cow being milked. The utters are labeled “Flotilla Ordeal” , the arms that squeeze the milk out are labeled “Iran” and “Turkey” and the pail that has the milk says on it “Got PR?”  Created by Yonatan Frimer

Click here for a printable, hi-res version of this maze
Click here for the maze solution.
Click here to see more maze cartoons by Yonatan Frimer
Click to view a Maze Blog by Yonatan Frimer

Articles on the maze’s topic:

Joel HillikerColumnist

A Good Excuse to End a Bad Relationship

Israel could see what was coming. Before the convoy set sail, Israeli leaders pleaded with Turkish officials to stop it; they offered to allow the supplies to be delivered through an Israeli checkpoint. But Erdoğan’s government let it go anyway. Thus, Israel had no choice but to intervene directly. And those on the boat made sure it turned violent.

Now, Turkey is milking the event for all it’s worth. It accused Israel of state-sponsored terrorism. It compared the psychological impact of the incident on Turks to the 9/11 terrorist attacks on Americans. Turkish President Abdullah Gül called the Israeli raid a crime against humanity and said Israeli-Turkish relations will never be the same. Erdoğan labeled it a massacre. Turkish armed forces announced several cutbacks in cooperation with Israeli forces. The government also offered to supply Turkish naval protection for the next “aid” convoy to Gaza; “This would be, in effect, an act of war,” wrote Mark Steyn, “—more to the point, an act of war by a nato member against the State of Israel.”

(Read the full article on The Trumpet)

What do the Swedish Gaza activists hope to achieve?
What do the Swedish Gaza activists hope to achieve?
…..Who actually profited from what happened? Well, most analysts agree that the biggest beneficiaries are the radical Islamists of the Middle East, notably Hamas, the terrorist organization which currently rules Gaza. Hamas won a major PR victory and gained valuable international legitimacy at the expense of moderate Palestinians and the Fatah leadership of the West Bank. Politically this is a boost for those Palestinians who object to peace negotiations with Israel, and prefer the more violent path of jihad, the so-called holy war against Israel and the non-Muslim world.

In Turkey, Islamist extremists are milking the incident to win easy points against secular and modernising forces. Iran is delighted that the world’s attention is being diverted away from its nuclear programme and arms deals with Hezbollah and Syria. As so often before in the Middle-East, the rhetoric of peace and freedom becomes a tool to strengthen despotic, terror-sponsoring regimes which scoff at both. This happened largely because, as Israeli author David Grossman put it, Israel acted like a puppet on strings pulled by a small fanatical Turkish organization……

Read the full article on The Local, a Swedish paper in English

Maze Of Monkeys jumping off  a building in 3-D maze goodness

Maze of Monkeys in 3-D

Mushroom Maze

mushroom maze
Maze-a-delic by Yonatan Frimer

Maze Portrait of Albert Einstein.
Portait maze of albert einstein
“Genius Maze” – By Y. Frimer

Israeli Palestinian Land for peace process – Editorial Maze Cartoon – By Yonatan Frimer

April 6, 2010

Editorial Maze Cartoon – Israel/Palestinian Land 4 Peace
editorial maze cartoon of palestinian and israel conflict   land 4  peace
Maze Cartoon created by Yonatan Frimer and RSL
Click here to view this Editorial Maze in Larger and Printable Format
Can’t solve the maze? click here for the maze solution

Political Maze Cartoon of Palestinians throwing rocks over the fence and yelling “stop taking our land” while the Israeli Soldiers are on the other side of the separation barrier yelling “Then stop throwing it at us”

Want more mazes like this one, visit our websites:
Team Of Monkeys Editorial Maze Cartoons (Political Mazes)
Maze Art on Ink Blot Mazes
Buy these mazes as maze art on Fine Art America

Photography Prints

Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon Life Guards and Airport Ground Crew, By Yonatan Frimer and RSL

December 30, 2009

Maze of Team Of Monkeys life guards
Maze of Team Of Monkeys life guards
Maze of Life Guard Monkeys:
Saving more lives at lower costs. Just what you’d expect, from Team Of Monkeys.
Order Today!
By Yonatan Frimer and RSL

For more mazes, of these mazes visit
Team Of Monkeys January Mazes
and for even more mazes:

Maze of Team Of Monkeys Ground Crew
Maze of Team Of Monkeys ground crew
Maze of Monkey Ground Crew:
Aside from flying your aircraft, our monkeys can also tow your airplane to the gate or hangar. ORDER YOURS TODAY! Operators are standing by. Financing available!
Bad Credit? No Credit? No problem.

For more mazes, of these mazes visit
Team Of Monkeys January Mazes
and for even more mazes:

Mazes of a Maze Artist, Yonatan Frimer
Mazes Artist - Self Portrait Maze
Mazes of a Maze Artist, Yonatan Frimer