Posts Tagged ‘puzzles’

Awesome Optical Illusion Mazes by Yonatan Frimer

April 21, 2011
 Inside the Mobius strip – Optical Illusion Maze

“Please Stop Spinning” Optical Illusion Maze

 Optical Illusion Maze
Maze of a crazy optical illusion that causes the viewer to think that the circles are moving or spinning, although they don’t change or move at all.

Top Twelve Places to Download The Super Swirly Optical Illusion Maze

  1. Picassa Web Maze of Spinning Super Swirl
  2. Swirly Spinning Maze on Devian Art
  3. Please stop spinning maze on Fine Art America
  4. Spin to stop maze on Flickr
  5. Optical Illusion Mazes Facebook
  6. Please STOP Spinning Maze on TwitPic
  7. Super Swirly Maze Optical Illusion
  8. Maze Super Spin Please Stop on Photobucket
  9. Swirly Super Maze on  Saatchi Online
  10. Super Swirly Maze on Live Journal
  11. Super Swirly Optical Illusion Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Please Stop Spinning Maze on Maze BLOG

Doppler Optical Illusion Maze of an Elliptical Spiral
eliptical spiral dopler maze
Maze art of a Doppler warping elliptical spiral by Yonatan Frimer

Top Thirteen Places to Download Doppler Elliptical Maze

  1. Eliptical Maze on Devian Art
  2. Maze Eliptical Dopler on Fine Art America
  3. Maze Dopler El Eliptical on Flickr
  4. Dopler Maze on Facebook
  5. Maze Elliptical Spiral on TwitPic
  6. Dopler Maze Rossello Damiano
  7. Maze Psychedelic Nike Just Do It on Photobucket
  8. Dopler Maze on Saatchi
  9. Eliptical Maze on Live Journal
  10. Dopler Maze on Picassa Web
  11. Eliptical Spiral Maze on Red Bubble
  12. Dopler Eliptical Spiral Maze on
  13. Doppler Maze Blog
Happy Judaica Maze by Yonatan Frimer
Yonatan Frimer maze art of happy face made of jewish symbols
Maze of two Hamsas (Hand of Fatima) for the eyes, a magen david (AKA Star of David) and a menorah make the crude appearance of a smiley face. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Having problems solving the mazes, view the maze solution to happy judaica Maze, in the rare even you can’t solve this maze on your own

Top Eleven Ways to Download the Happy Judaica Maze

  1. Judaica Maze Art on Facebook
  2. Happy Judaica Maze on Fine Art America
  3. Picassa Web Maze of Happy Judaica
  4. Judaica Maze Art on Devian Art
  5. Happy Jewish Maze on Flickr
  6. Judaica Happy Maze on the TwitPic
  7. Maze of Happy Judaica on Photobucket
  8. Happy Judaica Maze on Saatchi
  9. Happy Judaica Maze on Live Journal
  10. Get Happy Judaica Maze on Red Bubble
  11. Happy Judaica maze on Maze blog

And you can get the Happy Judaica Maze at the source at Team Of Monkeys . Com

Maze of Monkey Races in Go Carts, created by Yonatan Frimer and RSL

April 1, 2010

Racing Monkeys Maze, by Yonatan Frimer and RSL
Racing Monkeys
Maze of Racing Monkeys

Can’t solve the maze? click here for the maze solution
Click here to download Team Of Monkeys racing maze in high quality

Want more mazes like this one? Check out these….
Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoon and Political Cartoon Mazes
Ink Blot Mazes, Maze art
Buy prints on Demand of these mazes for your walls as art.

Brain replays control decision-making process

March 12, 2010

Replaying recent events in the hippocampus of the brain has more to do with active decision-making process than with creating long-term memories, according to a new study.

Conducted by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Minnesota Medical School, the study of rats navigating a maze found that replays occurring in the hippocampus were not necessarily recent or frequent paths through the maze, as would be expected if the event was being added to memory.

On the other hand, the replays often were paths that the rats had rarely taken or, in some cases, had never taken, as if the rats were trying to build maps to help them make better navigation decisions.

Dr. Anoopum Gupta, and his colleagues said that their findings suggest replays in the hippocampus are not merely passive echoes of past events, but part of a complex, active process of decision-making.

“Our work provides clues into how animals construct a complete, fully navigable representation of their environment, even if they’ve only partially explored that environment. The cognitive maps created in this way may allow animals to plan novel routes or shortcuts. As we learn more about the neural mechanisms that enable animals to flexibly navigate through the world, we hope to apply those lessons to research in robotics that could improve autonomous navigation systems,” said Gupta.

The team used electrode ‘hats’ to record brain activity of rats as they navigated a maze. In particular, they monitored certain neurons, called place cells, which fire in response to physical locations.

That enabled the researchers to identify where an event that was being replayed was located based on which place cells were firing.

During an experiment, a rat might be in one portion of the maze, while the firing of place cells in the hippocampus indicated that the rat was replaying information about a different location.

On a task with two behavioral sequences, A and B, the researchers found that the animals would replay sequence B more often though they spent most of their time running sequence A.

This meant that the rats were most likely to replay the path they had experienced less often, which indicated that replay is not just a function of helping an animal remember what it has experienced most frequently or most recently, but an important function in helping it map its whole environment.

During the replay process, the research team also was able to observe the animal making connections between paths that it had never physically traveled before.

This further suggested that replay plays a role in helping an animal learn and maintain the entire map of its environment and make connections within it.

The rats were not just reviewing recent experience to move it to long-term memory.

The study was published in the journal Neuron.

Want to test the theory, try solving some of these mazes, created by Yonatan Frimer
The maze entrances and exits are marked by arrows.

Maze of the statue of david, by Yonatan Frimer
maze of david by michaelangelomaze of Michalangelo's david statue of marble in italy
Maze Portrait Of Michalangelo’s David

Check out more mazes at these links
Maze cartoon – Team Of monkeys maze
maze art – inkblot mazes

Maze portrait of Madonna, by Yonatan Frimer

Madonna Ciccone Portrait Maze

Check out more mazes at these links
Maze cartoon – Team Of monkeys maze
maze art – inkblot mazes

Maze portrait of Lilly Allen, by Yonatan Frimer
Maze of Lily Allen
Maze of Lily Allen

Check out more mazes at these links
Maze cartoon – Team Of monkeys maze
maze art – inkblot mazes

Freemason Monkeys –
Illuminati’s building a wall
– Maze
freemason monkeys - illuminati apes
Click here to view the freemason monkeys maze larger

Check out more mazes at these links
Maze cartoon – Team Of monkeys maze
maze art – inkblot mazes

Monkeys For Justice – Team Of Monkeys Judicial Panel
Monkey judges, justic, courtroom, sternographers
Monkey Judges Maze:
“Trained to dispense justice in even the most difficult legal cases”
Click here to view the justice monkeys maze larger

Check out more mazes at these links
Maze cartoon – Team Of monkeys maze
maze art – inkblot mazes

Team Of Monkeys Maze – Memoirs Of The Invisible Monkeys, By Yonatan Frimer and RSL

March 4, 2010

Memoirs of the invisible monkeys – Maze
memoirs of the invisible monkeys
Click here to view the memoirs of the invisible monkeys maze larger

Got Mazes? Check out these maze links…
Team Of Monkeys – Maze Cartoons
Ink Blot Mazes – Maze Art
Want to buy these type of mazes?
Yonatan Frimer mazes on Fine Art America

Garbage Truck Monkeys Maze By Yonatan Frimer and RSL

March 4, 2010

Garbage Truck Monkeys Maze

Team Of Monkeys Maze                                   By Y.Frimer & RSL
garbage truck monkeys by yonatan frimer
“Cleanliness is next to humanity, Team Of Monkeys gets you there/”

Click here to view garbage truck monkeys maze larger

Got Mazes? Check out these maze links…
Team Of Monkeys – Maze Cartoons
Ink Blot Mazes – Maze Art
Want to buy these type of mazes?
Yonatan Frimer mazes on Fine Art America

Maze of Team Of Monkeys Ironing By Y.Frimer and RSL

January 20, 2010

Team Of Monkeys Maze                                    By Y.Frimer and RSL
Maze of Team Of Monkeys ironing a shirt
“Late for work again and your blouse still not ironed? You need
our House & Garden trained Team Of Monkeys. Never worry
about housework again.”

For more maze comics by Yonatan Frimer, visit:
Team Of Monkeys Maze – Maze Comics
Ink Blot Mazes – Maze Art

Latest Team Of Monkeys Maze Cartoons, Created by Yonatan Frimer

December 21, 2009

Team Of Monkeys Flying Hot Air Balloon
Maze of Team Of Monkeys flying a hotair balloon

For more maze cartoons created by Yonatan Frimer, check out:

Team Of Monkeys Carpenter Maze
Maze of Team Of Monkeys using hammer and nails

For more maze cartoons created by Yonatan Frimer, check out:

Team Of Monkeys Flint Lock Pistol Maze
Maze of Team Of Monkeys loading a flint lock pistol

For more maze cartoons created by Yonatan Frimer, check out:

Team Of Monkeys Cash Register
Maze of Team Of Monkeys at cash register, cashier

For more maze cartoons created by Yonatan Frimer, check out:

Maze of Team Of Monkeys with RPG.

Maze of Team Of Monkeys with RPG grenade launcher

For more maze cartoons created by Yonatan Frimer, check out:

Maze of Team Of Monkeys Tele-Marketing

Maze of Team Of Monkeys telemarketing

For more maze cartoons created by Yonatan Frimer, check out:

Maze of Team Of Monkeys Hairy Potters
Maze of Team Of Monkeys making pottery

For more maze cartoons created by Yonatan Frimer, check out:

Eminem and Simon & Garfunkel mazes by Yontan Frimer

December 10, 2009
Simon and Garfunkel Maze created by Yonatan Frimer
Simon and Garfunkel Maze
Simon and Garfunkel Maze

To see more mazes by the same artist, visit: or

If you’d like to buy prints of mazes, click here

Eminem Maze Portrait – Marshal Mathers
eminem maze marshal mathers portrait

To see more mazes by the same artist, visit: or

If you’d like to buy prints of mazes, click here

Celebrity, artword, celebrities, portraits, famous,  Portait maze of albert einsteinbarak obama maze by maze of mazes artist yonatan frimer

pool maze 001

To see more mazes by the same artist, visit: or

If you’d like to buy prints of mazes, click here

Photography PrintsArt PrintsSell Art Online

Maze-A-Delic  2006
Maze A Delical

maze of monkey illusion medium mazes, mazes, maze of mazestrippy maze of monkey illusion medium mazes, mazes, maze of mazesmazes, mazes, maze of mazes stimulus portrait barak obama maze by maze of mazes artist yonatan frimermazes, mazes, maze of mazes Blivet Maze thumb funky time fun mazeepileptic warning banner optical illustion vertical lines maze of 3d impossible boxmazes, mazes, maze of mazes commander in chief portrait of barak obama maze by maze of mazes artist yonatan frimer

Maze of Grant Wood’s American Gothic
Maze of Grant Woods' American Gothic art masterpeice

psychedelic maze art and puzzles by yonatan frimer

December 9, 2009

Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Maze of the Statue of Liberty – 2009
Celebrity, artword, celebrities, portraits, famous,  maze of the Statue Of Liberty - InkBlotMazes Ink Blot Mazes, By Yonatan Frimer, your humble maze artist
Maze of Liberty – 2009 – Yonatan Frimer

Maze of an Olympic Pool –  Y.Frimer Mazes
pool maze 001
Please contact the maze artist if you’d like to use any of these mazes in your publication or paper.

Download Maze of An Olympic Pool in Larger PNG Format
Download Maze of An Olympic Pool in  PNG Format
Download Maze of An Olympic Pool in Thumb gif Format

Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Sniper Monkey – Maze by Yonatan Frimer

All Rights Reserved: Please contact the maze artist if you’d like to use any of these mazes for commercian or editorial use.

Get to the spider – 2006
Get to the spider to solve this maze

mazes picture for close up maze of eyes

Portait maze of albert einstein

Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com

John Lennon Psychedelic Maze Portrait
Imagine All The MAzes
Imagine All The Mazes

Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Like a Rolling Maze – Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan Maze
Like a Rolling Maze – Bob Dylan

Gene Simmons KISS and Maze Up
Gene Simmons, Kiss, Maze, Maze portrait, maze art
Gene Simmons KISS and Maze Up

Psychedelic Liberty Maze
statue of liberty maze pschedelic maze art
Maze of the Statue of Liberty

Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Maze Rushmore
maze rushmore, mt. rushmore maze
Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com
Team Of Monkeys
H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Shots

team of monkeys maze comic swine flu vaccine, h1n1 shots

Scrooge McMaze
psychedelic mazes of uncle scrooge mcduck
Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com
Mazen – David
Magen David Maze - Star of david the maze, psychedelic art

Maze-O-Lantern Halloween Maze
Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com
Purple Maze – Jimi Hendrix
Purple Maze - Jimi Hendrix Psychedelic mazes by yonatan frimer
Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com
Panda Maze
Panda Maze, Created by Yonatan Frimer, Mazes Artist

Maze of Heart

Maze of heart
Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com
Gorilla Maze
gorilla Mazes, maze

Torah Maze

Jewish Art Torah Maze
Want More mazes, check out team of and Ink Blot Mazes . com

Some of the mazes of Yonatan Frimer

December 5, 2009

Maze Kong
Maze Kong - 2006 Mazes
King Kong of Mazes

Team Of Monkesy and Ink Blot Mazes have the best mazes you will find, on the web or anywhere else.

Check out our website of monkey mazes and celebirty portrait mazes, located at these link

Team Of Monkeys Mazes

Ink Blot Mazes – Maze Gallery

Feel free to check it all out, for the best mazes around.

Maze-A-Delic  2006
Maze A Delical

maze of monkey illusion medium mazes, mazes, maze of mazesmazes, mazes, maze of mazes stimulus portrait barak obama maze by maze of mazes artist yonatan frimer

trippy maze of monkey illusion medium mazes, mazes, maze of mazesmazes, mazes, maze of mazes commander in chief portrait of barak obama maze by maze of mazes artist yonatan frimer

Maze of Grant Wood’s American Gothic
Maze of Grant Woods' American Gothic art masterpeice
“American Gothic Maze” – By Yonatan Frimer

Team Of Monkesy and Ink Blot Mazes have the best mazes you will find, on the web or anywhere else.

Check out our website of monkey mazes and celebirty portrait mazes, located at these link

Team Of Monkeys Mazes

Ink Blot Mazes – Maze Gallery

Feel free to check it all out, for the best mazes around.
Maze Portrait of Albert Einstein.
Portait maze of albert einstein
“Genius Maze” – By Y. Frimer

maze of shark jaws attacking illustration

Team Of Monkesy and Ink Blot Mazes have the best mazes you will find, on the web or anywhere else.

Check out our website of monkey mazes and celebirty portrait mazes, located at these link

Team Of Monkeys Mazes

Ink Blot Mazes – Maze Gallery

Feel free to check it all out, for the best mazes around.

Maze samuel l jackson ezekiel 25:17maze of howard stern

maze of the hindenburg burning illustration

rhino maze illustration

skier with mohawk, glen plake

unicorn maze

Ali G maze of Borat, I LIKE maze illustration

Ninja maze illustration

Maze samuel l jackson ezekiel 25:17

Team Of Monkesy and Ink Blot Mazes have the best mazes you will find, on the web or anywhere else.

Check out our website of monkey mazes and celebirty portrait mazes, located at these link

Team Of Monkeys Mazes

Ink Blot Mazes – Maze Gallery

Feel free to check it all out, for the best mazes around.

maze comics, team of monkeys landing a plane
Aircraft landing by the pilots of a well trained team of monkeys.