Posts Tagged ‘smoke’

Kung Fu Monkeys Turning on trainer and Fire fighting monkeys, by Yonatan Frimer

December 27, 2009

Kung Fu Monkeys Turning on trainer and Fire fighting monkeys, by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of Team Of Monkeys with fire extinguisher
Maze of Team Of Monkeys with fire extinguisher fire fighters

Maze of Team Of Monkeys with fire extinguisher

For more Yonatan Frimer Mazes: Team Of Monkey and InkblotMazes

Maze of Team Of Monkeys Kung fu Fighting
Maze of Team Of Monkeys kung fu fighting, rebels
Maze of Team Of Monkeys Kung fu Fighting

For more Yonatan Frimer Mazes: Team Of Monkey and InkblotMazes

Kung fu monkeys turn tables on trainer

A Chinese man who trained monkeys martial arts to entertain

shoppers was shocked when they turned the tables on him.

Monkey fight back /Quirky China News

Lo Wung’s taekwondo monkeys have become a regular feature

outside a shopping centre in Enshi, Hubei province, where

they were trained to show off their martial arts skills on each other.

But one quick-thinking monkey saw his chance when Lo

slipped – and caught him with a perfect flying kung fu kick to

the head. The rest then joined in the affray.

Hu Luang, 32, who caught the incident on camera, said:

“I saw one punch him in the eye – he grabbed another by

the ear and it responded by grabbing his nose.

“They were leaping and jumping all over the place – it was

better than a Bruce Lee film.”

At one point the monkey trainer grabbed a staff to hit

the monkeys, only to find himself facing a stick-brandishing

monkey that cracked him over the head.

Lo only managed to get the monkeys under control

by tangling them up in the rope that had been

used to stop them running off.