Posts Tagged ‘yfrimer’

Mazes by Yonatan Frimer includeing Stop Sign Maze, electricity Maze and Union Maze

February 5, 2011

S is for Stop Sign Maze
yonatan frimer stop sign maze
Click for Maze Solution of Stop Sign Maze
Maze of a Stop Sign to go right next to the maze of the letter S for the kids book, “Learn To A Maze” Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. The maze begins in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Try to solve the maze in as little time as possible, and by starting at the begining and going all the way to the end of the maze. By Yonatan Frimer.

Special thanks to this source for introducing us to Stop Sign MAZE!

Top Ten |URL’s to download Stop Sign Maze

  1. Stop Sign Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Stop Sign Maze on Flickr
  3. Stop Sign Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Stop Sign Maze on Picasa
  5. Stop Sign Maze on Live Journal
  6. Stop Sign Maze on photobucket
  7. Stop Sign Maze on Twitpic
  8. Stop Sign Maze on Devian Art
  9. Stop Sign Maze on Facebook
  10. Stop Sign Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

U is for Union Maze
psychedelic electrical outlet maze
Click for Maze Solution of Union Maze
Maze of two hands holding to form a union, to go right next to the maze of the letter U for the kids book, “Learn To A Maze” Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. The maze begins in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Try to solve the maze in as little time as possible, and by starting at the begining and going all the way to the end of the maze. By Yonatan Frimer.
Maze source for Union Maze

Top Ten |URL’s to download Union Maze

  1. Union Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Union Maze on Flickr
  3. Union Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Union Maze on Picasa
  5. Union Maze on Live Journal
  6. Union maze on photobucket
  7. Union Maze on Twitpic
  8. Union Maze on Devian Art
  9. Union Maze on Facebook
  10. Union Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

E is for Electricity Maze
psychedelic electrical outlet maze
Click for Maze Solution of Electric Outlet Maze
Maze of an electrical outlet with psychedelic lightning bolts coming out of it. The maze starts in the upper-left corner and the maze ends in the lower right-hand corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter J for the kids book, “Learn To A Maze” Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet, basica reading, and how to count. By Yonatan Frimer.

Source for the Electricity Maze by Yonatan Frimer

Top Ten |URL’s to download Electricity Maze

  1. Electricity Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Electricity Maze on Flickr
  3. Electricity Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Electricity Maze on Picasa
  5. Electric Maze on Live Journal
  6. Electric maze on photobucket
  7. Electric Maze on Twitpic
  8. Electric Maze on Devian Art
  9. Electricity Maze on Facebook
  10. Electic Maze on Team Of Monkeys . Com

J is for Jump Maze
volley ball jump maze yonatan frimer
Click for Maze Solution of Jump Maze
Maze of a car driving in a skid, almost drift pattern. Maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter J for the kids book, “Learn To A Maze” Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Maze Image and content came from this source

Top Ten List of where to download the Jump Maze by Yonatan Frimer:

  1. Jump Maze on Fine Art America
  2. Jump Maze on Flickr
  3. Jump Maze on Saatchi Online
  4. Jump Maze on Picasa
  5. Send Jump Maze ecard on 123 Greetings
  6. Jump Maze on Live Journal
  7. Jump maze on photobucket
  8. Jump Maze on Twitpic
  9. Jump Maze on Devian Art
  10. Jump Maze on Facebook

Random Maze Link

Fish and Volcano Mazes, For the Learn To A Maze Book by Yonatan Frimer

January 18, 2011

V is for Volcano Maze
Yonatan Frimer Maze of the Volcano

Click for Maze Solution of Maze of the Volcano
Maze of an erupting volcano, with magma and lava forming the walls of the maze. The maze starts in the upper left corner and the maze exits in the lower right corner. This maze goes with the maze of the letter V for the kids book, “Learn To A Maze” Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Fish Maze online at these links:

Sell Art Online

F is for Fish Maze
Maze of a fish for the letter F

Click for Maze Solution of Fish Maze
Maze of a tropical fish. The brave swimmers of our planet’s waters. Maze starts in the upper left corner and maze ends in the lower right corner, marked by the arrows. This maze goes with the maze of the letter F for the kids book, “Learn To A Maze” Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can also find Fish Maze online at these links:

Sell Art Online

Special thanks to these sources for the artwork
Mazes and format from this source
Maze art and links from this source for the fish maze
This is the source links for the Volcano Maze

I am not sure what the status of others reusing these art works although I am sure if you are posting it around the internet, just make sure you link back to the source where you got it. If you want to use these mazes for some commercial purpose or want to print them out for profit use, I would recommend you got to his website and ask the artist yourself. I do know that you can use these mazes for educational purposes, but don’t quote me on that….

Maze art of the numbers three, five, six and nine, all in the form of mazes by Yonatan Frimer

January 4, 2011

Number Three (3) Maze
Maze by Yonatan Frimer of the number three (3)
Click for Maze Solution of Number Three (3) Maze
Maze of the number three (3) created by Yonatan Frimer. Maze of from the numbers chapter of the book “Learn To A Maze” which helps kids learn the alphabet and numbers through the use of mazes.

Number  Nine (9) Maze
Maze by Yonatan Frimer of the number nine (9)
Click for Maze Solution of Number Nine (9) Maze
Maze of the number nine (9) created by Yonatan Frimer. Maze of from the numbers chapter of the book “Learn To A Maze” which helps kids learn the alphabet and numbers through the use of mazes.

Number  Five (5) Maze
Yonatan Frimer maze of the number five (5)

Click for Maze Solution of Number Five (5) Maze
Maze of the number Five (5) for the maze learning book “Learn To A Maze”. Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Number  Six (6) Maze
Number Six (6) Maze
Click for Maze Solution of Number Six (6) Maze
Maze of the number Six (6) for the maze learning book “Learn To A Maze”. Maze starts in the upper left corner and ends in the lower right corner. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of a Walrus, by Yonatan Frimer

December 22, 2010

W is for Walrus – Maze of Walrus

maze of walrus

Click for Maze Solution of Walrus Maze
Maze of a Walrus. Big tusks on these friendly creatures. Maze starts in the upper left forner around his right eye and exit of the maze is in the lower right corner right past his blubber and right tusk. This maze goes with the
Maze art of the letter W, by Yonatan Frimer for the kids book, “Learn To A Maze” Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

You can check out more Yonatan Frimer Mazes at team of monkeys . com

Walrus Maze Source Article – For your ipad or other portable or desktop devices.

The walrus whiskers came from this maze blog

Yo Yo Maze and Raccoon Maze, by Yonatan Frimer

December 21, 2010

Y is for Yo-Yo – Maze of a Yo-Yo

Maze of a guy with a yo yo for the letter y maze
Click for Maze Solution of Yo-Yo Maze

Yo Yo Maze. Maze of a guy with a yo yo. This maze goes with the maze of the letter Y for the kids book, “Learn To A Maze” Which uses mazes to teach kids the alphabet. By Yonatan Frimer.

Maze of the letter Y, upper-case:
maze of the letter Y twenty fifth letter of the english alphabet
Click for  Maze Solution of Y maze

R is For Raccoon – Maze of a Raccoon

Maze of Raccoon for the Letter R Maze

Click for Maze Solution of R for Raccoon Maze
Raccoon Maze for the Letter R Maze. Part of a series for a book called, “Learn To A Maze” which uses image themed mazes to teach kids the alphabet and how to read. This maze of a raccoon goes next to the maze of the letter R. Created by Yonatan Frimer

Maze of the letter R:
Maze art of the letter R, by Yonatan Frimer
Click for Maze Solution of R maze

These mazes are from Yonatan Frimer’s upcoming book, “Learn To A Maze”. An edutainment booklet that teaches children (and adults!) the alphabet and simple reading using mazes. For more examples of Yonatan Frimer’s mazes, visit Team Of Monkeys . com or Ink Blot Mazes . com

Some more maze links for you: Happy Day!

Justin Bieber Maze Portrait by Yonatan Frimer

October 24, 2010

Justin Bieber Maze Portrait

Maze portrait of Justin Bieber

Click for  Maze Solution of Justin Bieber Maze Portrait
Maze of Justin Bieber, the teenage pop-sensation that teenage girls go wild for. The maze starts in the upper left corner, and ends in the lower right. Should take you only a few minutes to solve this maze, which is also about how long it too Justin Bieber to become famous.  Created by Yonatan Frimer

Sell Art Online

Check out more mazes by Yonatan Frimer

Letter A MazeMaze of UpperCase D by Yonatan Frimer

Letter B maze, second letter in the alphabet, upper-caseMaze O letter mazes alphabet maze
Letter B maze, fourteenth letter in the alphabet, upper-caseLetter X maze, twenty-fourth letter in the alphabet, upper-case

Check out another Yonatan Frimer Maze Blog

Or check out A different Maze Blog by Yonatan Frimer

maze of monkey illusion medium InkBlotMazes Ink Blot Mazes, By Yonatan Frimer, your humble maze artist

Maze of peace – Created by Yonatan Frimer

April 10, 2010

Maze of peace – Created by Yonatan Frimer
maze of peace
Maze of Peace
Click here to view peace maze in larger format
Click here for the peace maze solution

Check out more Yonatan Frimer Mazes at:
Political cartoons and mazes
Maze Art
Buy Yonatan Frimer Maze Art

Buy a print-on-demand of this maze:
Photography Prints

Israeli Palestinian Land for peace process – Editorial Maze Cartoon – By Yonatan Frimer

April 6, 2010

Editorial Maze Cartoon – Israel/Palestinian Land 4 Peace
editorial maze cartoon of palestinian and israel conflict   land 4  peace
Maze Cartoon created by Yonatan Frimer and RSL
Click here to view this Editorial Maze in Larger and Printable Format
Can’t solve the maze? click here for the maze solution

Political Maze Cartoon of Palestinians throwing rocks over the fence and yelling “stop taking our land” while the Israeli Soldiers are on the other side of the separation barrier yelling “Then stop throwing it at us”

Want more mazes like this one, visit our websites:
Team Of Monkeys Editorial Maze Cartoons (Political Mazes)
Maze Art on Ink Blot Mazes
Buy these mazes as maze art on Fine Art America

Photography Prints

Editorial mazes by Yonatan Frimer

April 5, 2010

Political Maze on Health-care Reform
Political Cartoon Maze Obama Healthcare pill thats is hard   to  swallow
Political Cartoon Maze – Obamacare
Can’t solve the maze? click here for the maze solution

Click here to download Political Cartoon Maze on Obamacare in high quality

Want more mazes? visit our websites:
Team Of Monkeys Editorial Cartoon Maze
Ink Blot Mazes -Maze Art
Buy Maze art on Fine Art America

Political Maze Iranian Regime Puppets
Political   Cartoon Maze Iranian Puppet Regime
Political Cartoon Iranian Regime
Can’t solve the maze? click here for the maze solution
Click here to download Political Cartoon Maze of Iranian Regime puppets in high quality

Political maze cartoon of the Iranian supreme leader Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i using his team of monkeys to control a puppet baring the likeness of Mahmoud ahmadinejad, the current president of Iran.

Arrows mark the entrance and exit of the maze.

Want more mazes? visit our websites:
Team Of Monkeys Editorial Cartoon Maze
Ink Blot Mazes -Maze Art
Buy Maze art on Fine Art America

Political Maze Cartoon of Gaze Situation
Political maze   cartoon of gaza situation
Political Maze Cartoon of Gaze Situation

Can’t solve the maze? click here for the maze solution
Click here to download Political Cartoon Maze of Iranian Regime puppets in high quality
Monkeys depicting the Palestinians aim arms, guns and rockets at a giant sleeping monkeys marked as Israeli. The overall message of the cartoon is that the Palestinians are going to wake a sleeping giant.

Want more mazes? visit our websites:
Team Of Monkeys Editorial Cartoon Maze
Ink Blot Mazes -Maze Art
Buy Maze art on Fine Art America

Editorial Maze Cartoon of Gaza Guns and Butter
Editorial   maze cartoon of gaza guns and butter
Guns and Butter in Gaza

Can’t solve the maze? click here for the maze solution
Click here to download Political Cartoon Maze of Iranian Regime puppets in high quality

Monkeys depicting the Palestinians aim arms, guns and rockets at a giant sleeping monkeys marked as Israeli. The overall message of the cartoon is that the Palestinians are going to wake a sleeping giant.

Want more mazes? visit our websites:
Team Of Monkeys Editorial Cartoon Maze
Ink Blot Mazes -Maze Art
Buy Maze art on Fine Art America

Garbage Truck Monkeys Maze By Yonatan Frimer and RSL

March 4, 2010

Garbage Truck Monkeys Maze

Team Of Monkeys Maze                                   By Y.Frimer & RSL
garbage truck monkeys by yonatan frimer
“Cleanliness is next to humanity, Team Of Monkeys gets you there/”

Click here to view garbage truck monkeys maze larger

Got Mazes? Check out these maze links…
Team Of Monkeys – Maze Cartoons
Ink Blot Mazes – Maze Art
Want to buy these type of mazes?
Yonatan Frimer mazes on Fine Art America